
Meet Our Support Team: The Heart of GivingData’s Industry-Leading Service

At GivingData, we believe that the heart of exceptional service lies in the dedication and expertise of our Support Team. This team doesn't just solve problems; they build relationships, anticipate client needs, and deliver solutions with a personal touch. 

Whether it's a quick question or a complex integration challenge, our team is always ready to provide the guidance and assistance our clients need. With their unwavering commitment and deep knowledge of our platform, they ensure that every interaction is successful. 

Don’t just take our word for it. In the latest Consumers Guide to Grants Management Systems, GivingData received a 97% recommendation and high marks across our client experience scores, with particular emphasis on training, implementation, and support. 

Consumers Guide to GMS 2024 GivingData Graphic

In our client surveys, which we send immediately after a support ticket is closed, the support team is constantly shouted out. Here are just a few of our favorite most recent comments:

“Nancy was very clear and asked direct questions to solve the problem.”

“Such a swift and kind response! Thank you Nancy and Marlon.”

“It has been great to have Andy as point person for all [our foundation’s] tickets. He always keeps us posted on status and has been able to work to a quick resolution…”

“Fast response time from the moment I submit my ticketI also appreciate the commitment from Emmanuel to ensure that the issue is resolved.”

“Nancy was kind, understanding, and very quick with her responses. Very easy to work with.”

“I got a quick and helpful response from Emmanuel, who helped me figure out what the issue was. Great service, as always!”

“Nancy, Andy, and other support [team members] do follow up and keep in contact regularly until a solution is found or an error is fixed.”

“I felt listened to and like my thoughts and experiences were valued. Big shout out to Emmanuel. That small interaction went so far for me.”

Join us in celebrating the incredible individuals who make up the backbone of GivingData’s industry-leading customer experience.


IMG_20240401_174023Marlon Rowlett leads GivingData’s Support Team as the Senior Manager of Client Support. Marlon joined GivingData in 2023 because of GivingData's commitment to leveraging technology to enhance philanthropy. This resonated with his passion for problem-solving and desire to make a meaningful impact in the tech sector.

Marlon’s philosophy on support focuses on creating a thriving, adaptive, and impactful team. “I think this is achieved by embracing empathy, accountability, creativity, continuous learning, and embracing change. My goal is to build a supportive and dynamic team with technical proficiency that meets the needs of our client base while preparing them for future challenges.”

One of the most rewarding parts of working at GivingData for Marlon has been seeing the direct impact that the product has on our clients' success. To Marlon, knowing that his team enables GivingData users to achieve their philanthropic goals and make a difference in the world is incredibly fulfilling.

“Philanthropy is rooted in the belief that we are all interconnected, and it is our collective responsibility to support causes that enhance the well-being of others. It is about empowering individuals and building a more equitable and just society. Ultimately, philanthropy is a manifestation of our shared humanity and our desire to leave the world better than we found it.”

Marlon is a devoted husband and father. He’s a self-proclaimed professional bedtime storyteller and amateur LEGO architect! In his free time, he loves tinkering with DIY projects and diving into filmmaking or anything that keeps him in a creative headspace.


Nancy Garcia is one of GivingData’s Client Support Representatives. Nancy joined GivingData in 2022 because she’s passionate about making a meaningful impact and supporting important causes and wanted to contribute to something that aligns with her values. She also wanted to work alongside like-minded people who are dedicated to positive change.

Nancy’s philosophy on client support is all about building strong relationships. “I believe in being responsive, reliable, and proactive in finding solutions. Ultimately, it's about making clients feel valued and ensuring they know they can count on us to help them succeed.”

One of the most fulfilling aspects of Nancy’s time at GivingData has been connecting with wonderful people and witnessing the passion of the foundations we work with. “It's inspiring to see their enthusiasm for our product and their active engagement within our community.”

“Philanthropy, to me, is all about giving back and helping others. It's when people use their time, money, and resources to make the world a better place. Whether it's donating to a local charity, volunteering at a food bank, or supporting a cause they care about, it's driven by a genuine desire to make a positive difference. It's about kindness, compassion, and working together to tackle the issues that matter most to us.”

In her free time, Nancy loves taking walks with her dogs, going to the beach, working out at the gym, trying new foods, attending bible study, and attending car shows. She enjoys how each unique activity brings its own joy and excitement to her life.


Andy Bawcombe is GivingData’s Manager of Client Support Escalation. He joined GivingData in 2015 because the opportunity to apply his professional experience in IT with a company that is purpose-driven was incredibly inspiring. “I came from a very large corporation (900 people in the central office) and it always felt a bit cold and impersonal,” says Andy. “At GivingData, I feel like my voice and ideas are heard and I can make a difference.”

Andy’s philosophy on support revolves around ensuring efficiency in getting to a solution with a personal and empathetic touch. He believes that good client support addresses the specific needs of the client in a caring manner.  He works expeditiously to identify, troubleshoot, and get to resolution while empowering the end-user with greater knowledge as they move forward in their use of the product.

“Philanthropy involves improving the welfare of others through donating time, talent, work, and resources/funding. It requires empathy, awareness, and know-how. Philanthropy is an act of kindness. Philanthropy is a beautiful concept and practice and plays an important role, often critical, in the world we live in.”

Something Andy always tells new team members is to not be a roadblock to change. Always be in problem-solving mode. “One of our values is to work without ego and I love that because we are a highly collaborative team.”

In his free time, if he's not driving his kids around to all their activities and supporting them (which he cherishes every second), he likes to be on the golf course or just outside doing anything. Getting together with his local community and friends is also really important to him. And, of course, his dog.


From resolving technical issues to fostering meaningful relationships, Marlon, Nancy, Andy, and the entire Support Team exemplify the core values of GivingData. As we celebrate our team and the work they do, we acknowledge that their commitment and personal touch are what make GivingData's client experience unparalleled.

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